Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nov. 4 6:15

Wow Jen your fast! I would like to mention if anyone visits Levi please don't talk about his stereo being stolen. I'm not going to tell him until he is well.

He is becoming more agitated and he keeps trying to get out of bed. He got up and tried walking to the bathroom by himself.
they have him back on "one on one". They don't like restraints so someone sits with him whenever the family is not here.

Levi told me as soon as I walked in that he needed to go to Southern California in the morning to check the plant there. I asked if he was talking about Rich Products, He said no like I was crazy so I asked if he meant Cookietree and he said yes then no the plant that makes cookies there.
He said it was so "stinking busy" at work today.

Now he is soundly sleeping. I'm going to go see if it is my turn for the washing machine.


Anonymous said...

I can't help but giggle at his comments:) He's pretty comical. Hope he gets some rest from these "stinking busy" days!!
Love ya DAD!!

Chris said...

he bought the stereo from Brandon Robinson. He is at ext 126 at Cookietree

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Chris!!