Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nov. 9 10;08

I came in this a.m. to take Levi to sacrament meeting but he was not very coherent. They said he had his worst night yet. He was very agitated even with meds.

He asked me what I'm doing and I told him I was typing on the blog and he said oh sh&&. I asked him what's wrong and he said that's ridiculous, make people worry about things they don't need to worry about.

I asked the nurse this a.m. to swab his throat to check for strep. He has been complaining for 3 days about the pain. They had told me it was probably the tube and the coughing. That may be but he has had the tube since the beginning and has not complained about throat pain.
Hopefully we'll find out the results soon.

The missionaries just brought sacrament in to us.

This is a tough day. The pain is making him very cranky, but that is pretty normal for him.

He just said ow, shoot! Yeah he didn't swear. :) I think if we can get him to sleep awhile he might feel a little better.

Jen, I'm sorry for the confusion. There is a lady at dad's work whose name is also Jen and she really did come to visit. I think we have several Jens and a few Kathys and others. I should use last initials.

That's about all for now. Maybe more later.


Anonymous said...

Oh good, I'm glad dad had some more visitors! Sorry for the rough day, unfortunately this is the difficult part that we expected. Hard to believe that this is harder than the intensive care unit. He must be going completely crazy in that room and in that bed, I can't even imagine the pain he is in while his body is trying to recover. Let me know how I can help. Has anyone come by to read to him? Does he like that??
Love you,

Jackie said...

Would someone call Deborah in Green River. She has left several messages on voice mail with Alison, but no response. She needs some information from you. We haven't heard if Jen received our email either.
We are keeping Levi in prayer and on Winter Quarters Temple prayer roll,
Ted,Jackie and Deborah!

Unknown said...

If Deborah needs info from me why doesn't she call me or the house? There have been no messages left there.