Monday, November 3, 2008

Nov. 3 6:20

Thank you to our visitors tonight. Pres. Tomer and Craig, Paul, Harold, & Mark from Cookietree. We also have had Lynn and Diane Russell, Ellis and Olga Worthen, have I messed up the names again? Are there two Marks at Cookietree? I'm so sorry. Just straighten me out in the comments OK?

Levi is starting to get really restless. He seems to have a lot of worries on his mind. I guess we borrowed a jeep he wants to return. Also, some food we need to pick up. So many things I can't remember. He is anxious to help at work but they keep him pretty busy here. He'll do what he can.

While he sorts all that out I'm trying to get some sort of routine going back at home. I hope we are pretty much done with children's appts. I have an SEP in the a.m. with David's on-line teacher. We are still waiting to hear from The Moran Eye Center for Emily's contacts, and David's stitches come out on the 11th. ta-da!

By the way, when you visit Levi you might hear a helicopter. If you do, go look out his window and you might get to see one of them take off or land. It's pretty cool, if you don't think too much about the human factor. Also, he has a great view!

About visiting, while we are trying to work out the calendar thing please feel free to come visit between the hours of 4 and 8 p.m. You might show up at the same time as someone else in which case you can "rock, paper, scissors". The one who has to wait can do so comfortably in the "den" next door to Levi's room. The kitchen is for the use of the patients.
A couple of people at a time is o.k. More than that at a time is too confusing for head trauma patients and sometimes noises seem louder than they are. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Levi is resting really well right now and it is about time for us to leave. It's amazing how long it takes to get a post done. From 6:20 to 7:50. My typing is painfully slow but there are many things going on also! We got here at 4:10, maybe I should have started it then.

Again thanks for your visits, your kindnesses, and especially your prayers!

P.S. Bro. Cox, IMED is listed as a provider of VitalStim so I'll ask the speech theapist about it. Thanks. :)

1 comment:

Lisa Mullins said...

I am going to send you an email to your address, would you please look for it. It will explain something about Levi's train of thought.
Tell him we all say "Hi" and we are exceited to see his progress.
If he wants to know we (Chris & I) got the Squire building done so that is one thing he can cross off of his list of things to do.