Friday, November 14, 2008

Nov. 14 7:02 p.m.

Thanks Lynn for your comment. That's funny about the mom. :) I think that maybe we really are in stage 4 (confused and agitated). This is from the "Rancho Los Amigos" scale. It is used to evaluate the patent's cognitive and behavioral functioning after a brain injury. There are 8 levels. I'll see if we can find the scale on line and post it under the links.

He was very agitated with the tech today. I thought it might go to blows! I actually did step in and have the tech removed from the room for awhile. The charge nurse happened to be standing outside his room so when I came out to find someone I found the right someone.:)

I think maybe some of the staff might be just as anxious for me to go home as they are for Levi to go.

Well Levi is tired and wants us to go home now. He says "hi" to everyone.

Thanks to our visitors today, Lynn and Larry Allred, and Doug and Eva White! It's really good for him to have visits even though they need to be short. It stimulates old and new memories.

Levi is annoyed with the noise and lights right now so I need to sign off.

Thanks again for everything.


Laura Kae Brandler said...

I think you need your name on the prayer roll too. I'll make a call in the morning :) Hopefully he breezes through this stage. It's interesting that there are certain stages that most go through. Atleast you can gauge his progress and what's coming next.
He is making wonderful progress and I am sure it's due to family/friend support.
Glad to hear the driving is progressing as well. Good for them, good for you too.

fredc said...

Thanks for the hint.
The scale, with a description of each can be found at:

Daniel and Candice said...

I went to the temple yesterday and put your names on the prayer roll. (Before I read Laura's comment)
Candice Hughes

fredc said...

The medical web link
on the main page for the rancho scale has a typo. Even fixed, it only has a portion of the information.

I would suggest using

as the link.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Fred! I think we finally got it on there. It's all very interesting to read through and see the information actually coming through as his behavior. I can't help but keep looking back at the first day and the first few days and weeks after the accident and realizing that those were not the most difficult days, as hard as they were. I think, especially for my mom, these days of difficult recovery are the hardest so far. It is nice to be able to talk with him and communicate for the most part, but it is very hard to see him struggle and be so frustrated. I know this is torture for him to be stuck in the hospital and feel like he is not understood.
Anyway, thanks for the help with that site. I hope it works for everyone now.