Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nov 5 2:07

Levi was very insistent that he would be going to So Cal today. Something about 6-8 clients and a milk delivery. He told Harold he would take care of it. He seemed worried about letting Harold down.

Today he has been talking a lot about going to Green River to get the stuff he wants and cleaning up. He keeps calling out Blaine's name. He said that he was just here. Perhaps we are in a new phase. He gets a hold of a thought and doesn't let go.

Thank you Chris for the info on the stereo. I'll try to follow up on that soon.

By the way, I'm also not yet telling Levi that Obama won.

Levi is brushing his own teeth at the sink with water. He is now using the walker instead of the wheelchair to get to the bathroom. So more progress. :)


Chris said...

Joke of the day!

Why are elephants gray?

So we can tell them apart from the flamingo's.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Yeah for him, brushing your own teeth is a biggy! Wow the stuff that's running through his mind. Kinda fun, but also sad that he feels he has so much to do and lots of worries. Hopefully that will subside soon.
How are you doing with life, Kelly? It must be hard on you and the kids. Take time, rest, renew...whatever you need to do so you can keep going.
I think about you all often and miss you.

Ty Pearson said...

I understand Levi's concern for letting Harold down. Here at Cookietree, letting Harole down = DEATH.