Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oct. 21 3:59 p.m.

No dr. again today. They are taking him down around 6 or 6:30 for an MRI of his back so we likely won't hear anything until tomorrow a.m. He is speaking a little more. The rehab people are anxious to get started . The nurse now checks him only every 4 hours so hopefully he is getting more sleep at night. They gave him Ritalin this a.m to help wake him up more today. I wonder if he would do even better without it. We can wake him up and get a couple of answers out of him then he fades out again. All in all, still good news for today.


Anonymous said...

Man, where are those Dr's??? I'm glad he is still able to talk a little yet still get some rest. We'll be down in a couple of days. Let me know what you need...
Love ya,

Chris said...

Levi often spoke to me of one of his favorite CD's, "Super Sonic Saints". The wallpaper on his computer at Cookietree always alternated between a mountain scene he had hiked on with the kids and an airplane. On my way home tonight I had the thought that he may like to listen to it again.

Even though I am not able to come to the hospital nearly as often as I would like to my thoughts and prayers are always with your family.

Chris Mullins

Doug said...

Kelly - Laura's doctors prescribed Ritalin for her and we give it to her every morning because it actually helps animate in some cases, rather than suppress. I don't understand why, but it does help her a lot. If she doesn't get it she is less active. Once we gave it to her accidentally before bedtime, and she didn't sleep well that night, proving that it does help.

We are so thankful for his progress and continue to pray for him and you all.

Doug White

Cheshire said...

we have the book of the super sonic saints. our mission president is one of them would you like to use it to read to him i can bring it over to the house