Monday, October 20, 2008

Oct 20 10:16

Levi is still really responsive today. His dr. is back but has not been in yet. He probably has a lot to catch up on. The shell is supposed to come today. I am very anxious to know if he will have surgery or not. I'll update after I hear from Dr. Reichman. (I'll also check that spelling)
Yet another person has told me he is the best and that he worked on her husband. Good to hear.

More later.


Cheshire said...

i have some videos that are to teach children to read under the age of 5 do you want to see if they will help?? I also have a game that is 21 questions you think of something and it will guess what you are thinking. You try and stomp the computer it is really quiet fun. let me know if you would like to use them and i can drop them off at the house. It is so good to hear that he is doing so well.

I will tell you a little about scouts so that you can pass it on the Levi. We had 6 boys get their arrow of light and it was great. Each boy got an arrow and a plaque with the arrow of light symbol on it we read a story and told about the different color of feathers on the arrows. (i will bring the story over so that you can read it to HIM) all the boys were very excited. then we eat ouwee gouwee cake. It turned out very good. and then all the boys are going to go to the scout over nighter on the 25th. It was a great night and we missed having you there.

If there is anything that we can do let me know. Also i can drive you kids anywhere just let me know..

We love you guys so much and you mean a lot to our family and mostly to my kids.

Love the Cheshire's

jerbonashfoy said...

Hey I am Bonnie Foy Brent and Evelynn Foys daughter in law, They do not have access to the internet so I will check it daily then I will call them and let them know what is going on.
We hope he is doing well! If there is any thing that we can do for you please let us know! We love you and we are keeping you all in our prayers!
-The Foys

dawn said...

Great to hear good things are happening. I love slide show....We keep you in our prayers...the Butchers