Monday, October 20, 2008

Oct 20 8:23 p.m.

Levi is resting well and responding well. The turtle shell, tortoise shell, Boston Body Jacket, Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis (TLSO), or simply Orthosis finally arrived today. They took it back for a little while to make an adjustment but it is back now and just waiting for the dr. as am I. We haven't seen either Dr. Gardner or Dr. Reichman (spelling is correct, pronounced Reyeshman with a long i) today. I guess we'll find out tomorrow about surgery.
David was talking to Levi and asked him if he wanted the TV on and Levi said something that sounded like tired. David asked if he was tired and he said yes. So we will let him sleep.
If one of the drs. comes in tonight I'll post again, otherwise I'll post tomorrow.


Maili said...

I was reading the previous post when this one came up! That is good news about Levi responding so well. We are continually praying for you guys! We love you very much! How is the progress with transfering him to Intermountain Medical Center? It is truly a great place, it amazes me with the things I learn about it! (I was just there today conducting some interviews) Let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Good luck with the totoise shell! Sam had one of those when he broke his back in high school. Keep up the good work Levi! :D

Love, The Marsdens

pop said...

We are excited to hear his progress. I suspect that you will see some marvelous leaps and bounds once he is able to get to a rehab facility. Those guys (and gals probably) do amazing things and really do bring about miracles. We are so grateful for the blessings that Levi has experienced so far. We will keep you all in our prayers.

Love, The Newells

jeri said...

We were so very excited to hear of Levi's progress!! Fernando nearly fell off the chair when I told him. We love you guys and continue to pray for you. So nice to be making steps of improvement every day...even the baby steps are at least going in the right direction! Please let us help if we can!!! Jeri Marticorena