Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oct. 23 2:43

Levi had surgery this a.m. He now has 6 bolts and a rod in his back. The dr. said as soon as he is awake to sit him up and start working with him. It will take a little longer for him to wake up from the anesthesia because of the brain damage. He is back on the vent for now. He will likely be off by morning. He had both eyes open when we came back from lunch but not responding to commands.

I forgot to mention the nurse told me that the Orem fire chief called to see how Levi is doing. I thought that was very thoughtful.

The nurse just checked him and he did respond to commands.

Ali, Jordan, and David just left. They were talking to him and he seemed to understand so I think he is starting to wake up a bit more.

Tomorrow will be a very busy day.

I would like to start reintroducing him to his family and friends so if you have or can create a 3X5 laminated copy of a picture of yourself and send it to us with your info on the back that would be great. If you need our address you may e-mail me at and I will e-mail it to you.

He doesn't remember very much. He did tell me where he served his mission but he doesn't remember his brothers, sisters, children, etc. One of the children joked, "that might be by choice"!

Well, that's about it for today. I hope you all have a great day!


Jo said...

Kelly, So glad the operation was successful. I can't belive the are going to have him sit up so fast, that is wonderful. I laughed at the comment the kids made.

Hang in there. We are always thinking about you.

Love, Jody

Ty Pearson said...

I am blown away at how well he is progressing. I'll make sure we get some Cookietree photos taken, printed, laminated and sent down with Chris or I can take a trip down. I haven't been to Happy Valley for a while :)



Ty Pearson said...

To Ali, Kelly, and other blog contributors. I wanted to just quickly comment, and add witness, to the immense power of the blogosphere. I have had people that read my blog and RARELY comment, send me emails about Levi. For instance, today I got a note from a sister in law in Chicago, "So I have become a blog stalker. I went from your family blog, to your blog, to Levi's blog. What a sad story. Such a freak accident. He is in our prayers also."

The blogiverse is huge and I marvel at how connected people can become simply by writing some thoughts down on virtual paper. Know that Levi is in the thoughts and prayers of A LOT of people! It's pretty dang neat.

Sarah Atherton said...

Kelly, I am so glad to hear how Levi is progressing. It is all very exciting.
I heard at the RS luncheon that your daughters need some people to take them driving. It turns out I have some experience with this due to a sister who gets neverous and yells and a 17 year old niece. Send them my way, I would love to help.
Keep smiling!


Kelly and Levi. hang in there. Sounds like things are looking up since I talked to you a few weeks ago at the hospital. We are thinking about you and your family is in our prayers nightly.
Jerry WOmack and Family

Lynn said...

wow that is great things are looking so good. does levi remember you? my duaghter melissa had back surgery from a car accident and she has screws, rods she had the surgery almost 3 years ago and is doing good. if you want to talk to her about it let me know ok. my daughter amanda is coming to utah tonight and we thought it might be nice for her to come see you guys sometime this weekend maybe. what hospital is he in again?
love ya,

fredc said...

Photos are a great idea. My mother has memory problems, (cause not related), but she responds well to photos, particularly if taken a long time ago.

In a short period of time looking at photos memories start coming back. I am praying any memory challenges for Levi are temporary. It sounds like the back surgery went well.

(All physical challenges are gone when we are resurrected, but sooner would be great..)