Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oct 19 8:23 p.m.

Wow! Levi spoke today! David asked him where he worked and he answered, ''Cookietree''. The doctor asked if he knew where he was and he answered,''I don't know where I am''. He still mumbles quite a bit and we don't understand most of what he says. The nurse asked him if he was in pain and he started mumbling something we couldn't understand, but in the middle of it he said,''this foot here'', wiggling his right foot. How great is that, that he would speak and connect movement to thought on his own without command.

We are so excited. Thank you so much for all your prayers! Keep up the good work we still have a ways to go.

It is now just past 10:30. It has taken awhile to write this because we keep getting up to talk to Levi and David is trying to figure out what I'm saying so he can type it and we are both pretty tired.

Looks like it's time for cocoa and sleep.
More in the morning.


Laura Kae Brandler said...

That's big news. Great news! Glad to hear it. I look forward to hearing his progress every day, always good to hear of any improvement.

Jo said...

Yea! That is fantastic news Kelly!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Dad!! Wish I was there right now, soon...
By the way, MOM, the SLIDESHOW looks great, I am way impressed!!!! I love the hammock picture :)
Hope you guys are getting some rest. See you later,

fredc said...

Thank you for the updates and the good news.

I do like the slideshow.

Stacy said...

Wow! That is amazing news! That must be so exciting for you guys. Yay!! Just wondering what the first pic in the slideshow is from?

BTW, you can change the timestamp by clicking on the Settings tab (at the top left when you sign in) then on Formatting. Good luck. =)

Lynn said...

WOW that is great.
it is a great relief to hear great news.

Anonymous said...

The first picture is from Ali's wedding last year!! She was gorgeous :)
How are you guys doing?? I need to come see you and Kathy and all your kids!! What do we have between all three of us, 13? :) Wow.