Monday, October 13, 2008

Oct 13 4:36

We just had a visit from the Rehabilitation Dr. As soon as the drain can come out the back can be fixed and stabilized then he can start rehab. He had some positive things to say. He thinks Levi will walk and talk he's just not sure what communication challenges he will have. He recommends IHC on State St. for rehab (maybe 4 weeks there) Then it can continue at home through a group called "Rehab Without Walls".
Levi has been off the drain for more than 3 hours and his pressure is about 5 to 6 as long as he is left alone (no poking ,brushing, adjusting, etc.). They will probably take the drain out tomorrow.
His heart rate is in the 120s and his blood pressure is 158/67, the mean is 94. Right now his icp is bouncing around 9-15. He has apnea which drives the pressure up. But things look o.k. for now.
We need to look at facilities for rehab. Choices are The IHC Murray(IMED) or University of Utah, or a place in Sandy, can't remember the name. If anyone has any knowledge of these places please let us know as we might need to choose pretty soon.


Anonymous said...

Yea Dad!! 3 hours, that's awesome!!! Keep up the good work! We love you!
Jeny and family

Helen said...

How are you holding up? I have been adding my faith and prayers to the rest, and praying for the best and quickest the Lord is willing to allow. I don't have any experience with People to People, but I did some grant paperwork in college, and would be more than willing to take a look and help Morgan if I can, if you don't find someone with more direct knowledge. Love you, and praying for you. Helen DuRall

Unknown said...

Hi - I'm Cheryl Curtis and I work with Levi at CTB. I had a daughter that had a brain injury about five years ago. She was hit by a car and was in a coma for over 5- 6 months and then it took another 4 - 6 months to come completely out of her coma. My daughter was moved from the U of U to a rehab center in Sandy - it was called HealthSouth Rehabilitation Center. They have every type of therapy there including pool therapy. I highly recommend this facility. Levi and I spoke a lot about Jamie's recovery over the year's. Levi's brain pressure and issues sound a lot like Jamie's ICU experience. Please let me know if I can help in any way. I do know a lot of different Neuro Dr. and therapist when you are at that point. At least Levi has respond some. My daughter took months to respond and 4 - 5 months to even talk. The road to recovery for TBI's is long, but I have fate Levi will pull out. But I have seen TBI's with full recovery.