Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec. 3 11:49 pm

We had a really bad day yesterday. I think I need to give Levi the Zyprexa every a.m. I gave it to him this a.m. and we had a better day. Our aide got reassigned so we have someone new. Her name is Alena . She is terrific. She asked if I wanted her to help with the dishes while Levi napped! She took notes on all that the therapists were teaching Levi and kept saying "oh, I can do that with him when you're (the therapist) not here. (love her!)

Richard called tonight with some sad news. One of Levi's very good friends, Dale Morey, had a stroke this morning. To those of you at Cookietree, Dale is the one from whom Levi borrowed the soft serve machine for ice cream week. Dale is now the patient at IMED and Levi will do the visiting. (if I can get him to go back there!) lol. Richard said that Dale is expected to recover in a few weeks and go back to work to which Levi replied "oh he's not so bad then". (he actually told Dale that too , on the phone!) O.K. so he didn't fall from a 20 foot ladder to his near death, still, it would be great if all those inclined could offer a prayer for Dale. He has been such a great friend to Levi for about 14 years. After Levi spoke to him on the phone he told us that Dale spoke with less intelligence. I nearly choked on my cocoa and had to compose myself quickly. It, for some reason, reminded me of when the girls were little and Emily kept saying "wellow" for the color yellow. Hillary put her hands on her hips and firmly told Emily "it's LELLOW". Love it.

It's official! Alison has a driver's license!! (watch out) She can now help the girls get their extra hours. Our wonderful home teacher, Hector Illu, is arranging for some more helpers in that area along with his wife Joy. So now we have Sara, Mary Ann, Alison, Joy, and whomever else Hector gets! They should have their hours pretty soon and no one person should have to be subjected for too long. :) Now we just have to find the time for the girls to go between school, homework, on-line work, and a job!

I think we are finally inching towards a workable routine. I feel a little bit of order just within reach.

Thank you for your prayers. They really do work. I know it's those prayers that keep us going and Levi improving.

I hope you all have a great day.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Kelly, that is great that you guys are doing good. glad you have a great P.T that makes a big difference.
Did you hear that Gramma Helen took a bad fall and broke her shoulder in 3 places? my mom said her whole arm is total black. not black and blue but black and swollen from top to the bottom of her fingers. she is also cut her lip when she fell and hurt her knee. she has brusies all over her body. they said if she was younger they would have done surgery. she started PT this week so hope fully that goes good. Aunt cynthia came down yesterday to help for the weekend to give my mom a little rest.
well, we will keep you guys in our prayers. love you guys.