Friday, December 19, 2008

Dec. 19 9:05 a.m.

Levi's appts. went pretty well. Dr. Cook said he expects Levi's vision to return to normal w/o any interventions. It will take another month or two. Dr. Reichman's PA said the incision looks great and has healed well. He gave us orders for radiology (not sure why that wasn't done prior so he could talk to us about the images?). We go back to Dr. Cook in a month and "Dr. Reichman" at the end of Feb. The visit with Dr. Reichman's PA was a little tense for a few minutes when Levi told him he was planning to go back to work in about a week. The PA smiled and said something like, "well not quite". To which Levi replied, "I have to or I will lose my job". At that point the PA looked right at Levi and said, "are you joking with me?" Levi said, "I'm very serious" They are now staring each other down. Then the PA said in a very stern voice, "well I'm being very serious with you! There is no way in the world I will release you to get back up on a ladder before April!" Levi's deadly glare held fast. I think this is where I asked what about computer work? At Cookietree he mostly does computer work. "Oh, that would be o.k." The PA offered and all was well. Whew!

It is actually also Dr. Ryser (rehab) who would have to release him to go back to work. The FMLA ends on 12-29 (Levi's birthday) so I thought that maybe the OT could take Levi to work just for a visit to see how much he remembers about his job. The OT thought that would be good and scheduled a couple of visits on her calender. We will need to clear those dates with Cookietree. This will help everyone know just what is possible and what is not (incl. Levi).

Well the wind is blowing frigid cold and I have committed myself to finish Christmas shopping today. I should have checked the forecast before committing! So, I will see if I can bribe, I mean "persuade" Ali to go with me and also drag, I mean invite, David along to help. Wish us luck!


Doug said...

Kelly - Thanks for the update again. I love the way you describe the tense situation with the PA. You are writing a book with all of these entries, and I want to buy a copy when it is all done.

Doug White

Anonymous said...

Yes, much luck to you guys, we got COMPLETELY DUMPED on today!! Glad dad is doing so well, hopefully Cookietree will go well (for your sake) hehehe ;D I know dad would really love to return to work very soon. We can't wait til Thursday, see you soon,
Love you lots,

Stacy said...

Glad to hear Levi is doing so well and there's so much optimism about his recovery. Hope you got home before the snow got bad!