Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jan. 7 11:31 a.m.

Wow! Time can really fly when your busy. We made it through the holidays and enjoyed them. The children got some really cool things for Christmas and used/played with them for several days before they became tools of punishment/bribery.

We have been to a few more appts. for Levi. He had a(n) x-ray of his back done at the request of Dr. Reichman's PA. Then we went to get another CAT scan of his brain once the approval came through. A couple of days ago we went for a swallow test and yesterday we saw Dr. Reyser (rehab dr.) Levi also spent a couple of hours at Cookietree to see how much he could remember and accomplish.

Levi passed his swallow test! No more dietary restrictions. YEAH! Dr. Reyser said his back looks good in the x-ray. I was really hoping for that since he had a couple of falls. :( Dr. Reyser also pulled up the CAT scan and showed it to Levi and spoke very candidly about the damage.

Levi has been very low since his visit to Cookietree. I think it was difficult to realize some limitations. He has been working with his speech therapist this morning on work related topics (finally). I think up 'till now the focus was on getting back to a regular diet. With that accomplished they can focus on the work place issues. In retrospect, we could have dealt with the diet longer and focused on the work issues earlier. 20/20 hindsight.

Dr. Reyser felt the work place therapy would be a great benefit to Levi's continued improvement. He also said that the PT needs to get more aggressive with Levi's elbow and shoulder. Miete, the case manager from Rehab w/o Walls, said that means the PT can start living up to her title, Pain and Torture, or Pain Terrorist!

Levi had another x-ray of his elbow last night after the visit with Dr. Reyser and in about a month Dr. Reyser will evaluate the progress of the therapy and do an EMG on the elbow and shoulder. We have a follow-up with Dr. Cook (eyes) coming up this month and one with Dr. Reichman in February. Oh, I hope I didn't make the appt. with Dr. Reyser on the same day. I'll need to check on that.

Levi looks like some sort of celeb. when he goes to his appts. He has quite the entourage. There were four of us accompanying him last night! Two from Rehab w/o Walls, one from Worker's Comp, and me. He should wear sunglasses and a hat and turn his collar up to really look incognito. Maybe we all should! lol

Well, the speech therapist just left and it is lunchtime. I'm still not dressed yet! I've been going through the papers collecting all the coupons for grocery shopping I need to do today. The children are going to Temple Square tonight and I have a presidency mtg. so I guess I need to get moving!


Burnhams said...

Im glad that you are still improving Levi. I hope that you can get back to work sometime in the near future too.

fredc said...

Thanks for the update. I saw Levi briefly on Sunday, but didn't get to talk.

Laura Kae Brandler said...

Thanks for the update, glad to hear more improvements developing. I plan to call you tomorrow to wish you a happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAYS MOM & DAD. I didn't even think to post for both of your b-days!! Hope you guys had good ones:D
See ya tomorrow!!!

Humor said...

Hey Levi, glad to hear that you are eating real food again. Kelly you are a super trooper. We need to hook up sometime.

pop said...

Levi, so glad to hear that you are doing so well. You and your family have been in our prayers. Keep up the good work. Was sorry to hear that you had been released from the Bishopric. We enjoy your family blog.